5 Must read inspirational books for all age groups ~ LifeStyle with greenTechspot

Lets read some book!! Books no doubt are an intrinsic part of our life! can we really think about spending our whole life without even touching a book? The answer obviously is NO. Of course I am not talking about all those school books which really seen obnoxious sometimes [yeah! really 😉 ].Yes,i know, in today’s busy world we don’t get much time to read books , but trust me That IS the main reason why we should read books. today we are going to share some good self help and inspiring books….. in fact some MUST reads books, which can really change your perspective towards life ! Reading these books is like flipping through the pages of your past and shaping your outlook.

Ok! So coming straight to the point ,given below is a list of 5 MUST READ inspirational books by greenTechspot! Please read them below…

1: THE ALCHEMIST by Paulo Coelho:

The Alchemist A great story about a young Spanish lad Santiago who starts on his journey to fulfil his recurrent dream. It is subtitled as

“a fable about following your dreams ”

The universal point this story makes is that everyone has a special destiny, and yet not everyone resolves to attain it because it takes hard work. Reaching one’s destiny requires leaving behind familiar surroundings. It also demands persistence, the ability to change when appropriate and the willingness to respond to omens that point the way. This book would surely make a difference in the way you look at your destiny and dreams.

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

An inspiration for everyone!

“No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world. And normally he doesn’t know it.”

2: THE SECRET by Rhonda Byrne:

The Secret This book by Rhonda Byrne has taken the world by storm, becoming a bestseller and creating a devoted group of followers committed to their belief in the Law of Attraction.. this is a life changing book for anyone who happens to read this book. Though The Secret does not necessarily provide a magic answer, it is an inspiring compilation of concepts explained by some very impressive and admirable individuals. It’s a fast read and worth your time, given that you see it for what it is: a fascinating and motivating concept not necessarily founded in concrete science

“Everything that’s coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it’s attracted to you by virtue of the images you’re holding in your mind. It’s what you’re thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you. Every thought if yours is a real thing – a force.”

3: WHO MOVED MY CHEESE by Spencer Johnson

who moved my cheese Dr. Johnson uses the word ‘cheese’ as a metaphor for the things that we desperately long for. He narrates a small story with four characters to drive home his point. Life moves on and so should we. Everyone dislikes change and strongly resist it. However, according to the author, adaptation to change would make things easier. Because success lies in anticipating change and acting accordingly. Sometimes, when things don’t happen as expected, it is better to change your direction. Enjoyable book written in simple and lucid style. A good stimulus for thought. Strongly recommended for reading especially for professionals .IT could be of great help in your professional life

Below are some excerpted from book, Who Moved My Cheese:

“Change happens; they keep moving the cheese. Anticipate change; get ready for the cheese to move. Monitor change; smell the cheese often so you know when it is getting old. Adapt to change quickly; the quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you can enjoy new cheese. Change; move with the cheese. Enjoy change; savor the adventure and enjoy the taste of new cheese.”



Ultimate Gift Stovall tells the story of a young man, Jason, who in order to receive his inheritance from his great uncle, must complete a year long journey called the “ultimate Gift“. The first day of each month Jason is given a gift which is a task he must complete successfully before he can move on. If at anytime Jason becomes a problem his journey is over and gets nothing. At the beginning of this book Jason is a rich spoiled kid who had never worked a day his life. Through each chapter we see Jason transform into the wonderful person his great uncle knew he could be. In troubled times this book is a breath of fresh air. It was inspirational and touched my heart. Everyone should read it, especially the younger generation.


veronika This is the second Paulo Coelho novel I have read. Coelho has a unique voice and style – philosophical and dreamlike. His stories are written like fables, with messages about life, God and faith as the over-riding themes. I enjoyed Veronika Decides to Die because it made me think of my own dreams and life path. Veronika, a young woman, finds herself in a mental institution in Slovenia after a failed suicide attempt. Told she has only days to live because of the overdose’s damage to her heart, Veronika begins to re-evaluate her life. Simply written with prose that is almost dreamlike in its quality, Veronika Decides to Die explores life in the face of death, the meaning of insanity, and the importance of following one’s dreams.

“God was there, and yet people believed they still had to go on looking, because it seemed too simple to accept that life was an a
ct of faith.”

“Ill look at men in the street, right in their eyes, and I wont feel guilty about feeling desired. But immediately after that, Ill go into a shop selling imported goods. Buy the best wines my money can buy and I’ll drink that wine with the husband I adore, because I want to laugh with him again. And laughing he will say: “Youre mad!” And Ill say : ‘Of course I am, I was in Villete, remember! And madness freed me. Now, my dear husband, you must have a holiday every year, and make me climb some dangerous mountains, because I need to run the risk of being alive”

So this was our first list of MUST read books. I hope you enjoyed them! Do share your views with us n please leave your valuable comments.

This post has been written by Pyrotechnicpixie, our Non-technical post manager.
This has been the first post of this category, and of course written by her!
Be with us to enjoy more
~~The End~~

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  1. joe

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  2. textbooks

    Nice list! The Alchemist is one of my personal favorites… read it for the first time in 9th grade, and I’ve read it a number of times since.

  3. Rose

    Thanks for this posting. Reading inspirational books will provide you wisdom learnt. Hope to have copies of these someday.

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