Had a Breakup? Learn how to Win Your Ex Back

You met the man/woman of your dreams and fell in love with him/her ! He/She was everything you had ever dreamt of and you were on the seventh heaven. You dreamt of spending your life together. they meant the world to you.However, with time, the love started decreasing and the fights were on the rise. Then came a day when you both could stand it no longer and decided to break off.(i know you geeks hardly think beyond your computer programs 😛 ……. jus kidding 😉 )
Now you find all your dreams broken and miss that special one so so so much .You miss the love of your life ……………. but what to do ?? she/he is not even ready to listen ……….dont worry GTS is there to help you win the love of ur life back.As you read through this post, you will come across a number of tips that will help you know how to get your ex back.

Get Your Emotions In Control

You have just suffered from a break up and all your emotions are in turmoil! One moment, you feel like banging your head against the wall in anger and the other, you want to cry your heart out. It is quite normal to experience these feelings. However, making your girlfriend aware of all this is not going to help your case at all. Rather, your ex might start feelings that you are behaving immaturely and not handling the breakup like an adult. So, the first thing that you need to do is get your emotions under control and become almost like your normal self.

Don’t Try To Contact Her

Yes u heard it right ………….Right from the moment of the breakup, bring an end to all communication with your ex. Stop sending him/her a ‘good morning’ text message or giving a ‘good night’ call. I know that this is one of the most difficult steps for you, but it is necessary as well. The whole idea is to make them miss you and realize that they really need you . If you keep on communicating with them, be it through mail, message or e-mail, they will never get to experience what it feels like when you are not around him/her anymore.

Never try these

1: Telling them you love them over and over
2: Apologizing and swearing that things will be different from now on
3: Using money, kids, jealousy, or some other kind of manipulative leverage to “force” them to come back
4: Acting depressed so that they will feel bad for you and come back
5: Giving your ex reassurance that you have changed so they should try again
6: Trying to reason and argue with them about why they should give the relationship another chance

Take care of yourself

Work on your appearance. Keep your skin clean and clear, and try to dress well. Go to the gym and workout to improve your physical assets. Once she notices you have a lot to offer, your ex will regret the decision to break up and come running back. Working out also has the added benefit of boosting your self-esteem through natural means. You’ll feel better overall and this will translate to other areas of your life in tangible ways.

Realize the Problem

When a relationship breaks down, it does not happen overnight. It is important to realize what went wrong. Realizing and acknowledging the problem is the best step towards reconciliation.In a breakup, one is not happy with something about the other partner. It can be the way one behaves, speaks or treat him or her. Perhaps, there is a blind spot which you have ignored for too long that needs correction. Or even the way you have always wanted her to change for your sake. A strong relationship means accepting each other for his or her faults and still loving without first demanding a change.

Doing and Saying The Right Words At The Right Time

You may not know this but words have the power of life and death. It can kill a relationship and likewise, revive it. This is an age old love secret that works like a charm everything it is used. Men are habitual creatures that follow a certain behavior pattern. Simply by saying the right words at the right time, you can win your ex back easily.

So these were some tips to get your ex flame back. After all love is a really beautiful emotion and there is no harm in putting all your efforts to get your love back and have a “the lived happily ever after” life .

