Why greenTechspot!

Well I myself was thinking what to name my first independent blog! It was quiet a long time since I started thinking about blogging, but was not getting the exact idea. Suddenly this idea crept into my mind.

How about a blog for posting techie as well as non techie stuffs?

As soon as the idea developed into my mind I readily made this blog with its unique name > greenTechspot

  • Green: Well green is mother nature and literature furnishes the views and aspects of her
  • Tech: Well m a techie! 😀
  • Spot: Now this thing is quiet weird. Actually there are a number of reasons behind the selection of this name.Firstly because it is blogspot, and secondly and most importantly I developed and followed this idea of creating such blog with having a hope that someday this will surely make its own SPOT in blogger’s history

Well easy to say but hard to be done! So lets begin the race, stretching a hand full of love and friendship towards my fellow bloggers smile